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Note – यह एक साइंस और टेक्नोलॉजी से संबंधित टॉपिक है इसलिए हम ज्यादा से ज्यादा जानकारी इंग्लिश भाषा में दे रहे हैं. हम बीच-बीच में हिंदी भाषा का भी प्रयोग करेंगे ताकि आपको उचित और सही जानकारी सही ढंग से आप तक पहुंच सके. Today’s topic about – Fortran programming language in Physics.
There are two types of programming languages, the first is a low-level programming language and the second is a high-level programming language. Both are different from each other in terms of programming, and other functions too. There are lots of programming languages in today’s modern world but, here we are going to discuss, what is Fortran programming language in Physics?
जैसा कि आपने ऊपर पढ़ा की प्रोग्रामिंग लैंग्वेज दो तरह की होती है और यहां हम लो लेवल प्रोग्रामिंग की जानकारी आपको आगे देते हैं.
The low-level programming language is machine learning and assembly language. This language is very touching in terms of machine learning.
Because for writing in machine language a programmer must have the proper knowledge of the internal functions and different operations that are executed in the computer.
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In Assembly language the various statements are equal to various machine instruction, for example, one statement is equivalent to one machine instruction.
तो यहां अपने लो लेवल प्रोग्रामिंग लैंग्वेज के बारे में सीखा की यह एक यह मशीन लर्निंग लैंग्वेज है और इसमें ज्यादा फंक्शन और स्टेटमेंट यूज किए जाते हैं असेंबली लैंग्वेज के साथ. चलिए अब हम हाई लेवल प्रोग्रामिंग लैंग्वेज की बात करते हैं.
The High-Level programming language is simple and easy to learn as we compared it to low-level language. Also, it is a user-friendly language and anyone can learn high programming languages with proper knowledge and practice.
The computers work on the binary data, it can not the languages that humans are speaking or understand. Computers understand only one type of language and that is Machine language.
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If you want to write something in a high-level language then it directly not supported by the computer.
First, as an input source High-level language then, this is translated by the compiler and then as an output machine language.
The high-level languages are also called Machine independent languages, as they are problem-oriented language rather than machine-oriented.
अगर हम दोनों लैंग्वेज की तुलना करें तो हाई लेवल प्रोग्रामिंग लैंग्वेज ज्यादा आसान होती है, क्योंकि यह प्रॉब्लम ओरिएन्टेड कंसेप्ट पर काम करती है, और इसे सीखना भी आसान होता है.
हाई लेवल प्रोग्रामिंग लैंग्वेज को मशीन इंडिपेंडेंट लैंग्वेज के नाम से भी पुकारा जाता हैं. नीचे हाई लेवल प्रोग्रामिंग लैंग्वेज के कुछ एक उदाहरण दिए गए हैं.

Example of High-Level Language (HLL)
Fortran, Pascal, C, C++, Cobol, etc.
अब हम आगे जानेंगे कि फॉरट्रान प्रोग्रामिंग लैंग्वेज क्या होती है यह कहाँ -2 महत्वपूर्ण होती है, और किसके लिए महत्वपूर्ण होती है. इसमें अलग-अलग बिंदु क्या-क्या है, जैसे कि कंपाइलर, करैक्टर, कांस्टेंट, वेरिएबल, फंक्शन, आदि बहुत कुछ.
आगे की जानकारी हिंदी भाषा में नहीं है क्योंकि इसे अंग्रेजी भाषा में ही अच्छी प्रकार से समझाया और बताया जा सकता है. कुछ ऐसे बिंदु और बहुत सारे शब्द है अगर हम उनका हिंदी में उपयोग करते हैं तो आप उन्हें हिंदी में भी समझ नहीं पाएंगे, उन्हें इंग्लिश में ही समझ पाना ज्यादा आसान है.
What is Fortran Programming language in Physics?
This is a very important language from the point of view of mathematics and engineering applications, etc.
Full meaning of Fortran Programming language
Fortran is an acronym for FORmula TRANslation or Simply FORTRAN.
Fortran language was first defined and written to translate it, by John Backups of IBM, and his group in years 1956-1957.
In 1978 Fortran was formally standardized by ANSI as FORTRAN-77, and this version of Fortran is universally adopted by computer manufacturers.
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In Fortran, there are some specific rules that must be followed, such as the Column line number and its purposes. These all operations are done with the compiler’s help.
Columns 1 to 5 stand for statement labels that are used to identify lines.
Column 6 stands for continuation character ( that means the current line is a continuation of previous lines).
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7 to 72 columns stands for FORTRAN commands or programming statements.
Columns 73 to onwards are ignored by the compiler.
Compiler In Fortran
It is software that translates a source program written in High-level programming language into an object program in machine language.
Machine language
It is a binary format because the computer can not understand anything itself. Thus machine language is, which a computer can understand.
कंपाइलर ट्रांसलेशन का काम करता है.
Character in Fortran
There are some characters that can be used in Fortran language, such
Letter (All upper case and all lower case)
Decimal digit (all 0 to 9 )
Special character + − : $ ‘ = /, etc.

यह सभी characters और अन्य बहुत सारे फॉरट्रान प्रोग्रामिंग लैंग्वेज में इस्तमाल किए जाते हैं, प्रोग्राम को अच्छी प्रकार समझने और कंप्यूटर को समझाने के लिए भी.
Fortran programming language in Physics variables and constants.
In Fortran, the constant is the numbers or the values which do not change during the execution of the program.
Example of constant in Fortran
1, Fortran, .True., etc.
If we derive Fortran constant then, first of all, the constants then, it has two further parts. One is numeric constants and the second is non-numeric constants.
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Also for numeric and non-numeric constant, there are further many parts.
For Numeric constant –
- Integer
- Complex
- Real/Floating point
For Non-numeric constants-
- Character
- Logical
The real/Floating point has further two forms
- Fractional Form
- Exponent Form
Variable in the Fortran Programming language
If we talk about what is the variable in the sense of Programming language, For example in Fortran then, these are the data names that represent constants.
In the case of the Fortran variable, the values can be changed during the execution of the program.
और अंत में हम फंक्शन की बात करते हैं जो फॉरट्रान प्रोग्रामिंग लैंग्वेज में अलग अलग तरीके से इस्तेमाल किए जाते हैं, और उनकी अपनी अलग महत्ता है कोई भी प्रोग्राम बनाने में.
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Functions in Fortran programming language
Function in Fortran language is used to take data by the input services and then after some calculations return it in the form of output data. The Function in Fortran language is further of many types, such as
- User define function
- Built-in function (predefine) or Intrinsic function or Library Function.
The user-defined function has two parts of functions, such as
- Statement function
- Function subprogram or External function or Multiline Function
At Last: These are some of the short explanations of what is Fortran programming language in physics? and its uses, meaning, Character, Variable, functions, constant, etc. To understand these in detail you must learn about the basic fundaments of the Fortran programming language and some other mathematical terms.
Your mathematic skills can make this learning easy for you, and also if you have good reasoning abilities.
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